Author: Jeff D


Announcing “Easy Mode” Interface

What is “Easy Mode”? I’m happy to announce that’s there’s a new page on the site that I call “Easy Mode“. This page is designed primarily to act as a debt payoff wizard...

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Leveraging Your Credit to Get Out of Debt

“I Thought Credit Cards Are Bad?!” Some people think so *cough-Dave Ramsey-cough*, but I sure don’t. Used correctly, credit cards can be a very valuable tool that can be used to help eliminate your...

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New Feature: Debt Payoff Snapshots

Summer’s almost over and it’s time to get back to work. The blog has been quiet over the past year but that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of projects of varying sizes in...

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Dealing with Deferred Interest Accounts

What exactly is deferred interest? Before I get to far along with how the site deals with deferred interest, I wanted to go over what exactly deferred interest is. If you have signed up...