Debt Blaster Update – Now Works With Any Payoff Plan

Here’s an up update to the Debt Blaster option that was released earlier this year for members. Originally, it was designed to be its’ own dedicated payoff plan and used the Debt Avalanche for the payoff order. However, I received a suggestion from a Debt Blaster user who wanted to use it on other plans (thanks David!).


The Debt Blaster is designed to automatically increase your monthly budget every month. The idea is that by incrementally increasing your budget, you’ll be able to adjust over time and cut your spending in other areas and focus extra money on paying down debt.

New Debt Blaster Settings

New Debt Blaster Settings

What’s New?

Notice how you can choose other plans and use the Debt Blaster as an option instead of a plan. If you uncheck the “Use Debt Blaster” box, the options will disappear. If you were using the Blaster plan, I have turned on the Debt Blaster option and set your plan to be the Debt Avalanche – you can now change it to whatever plan you like. Cheers

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