Category: Features

site redesign 13

2017 Website Redesign Ideas

The current version of has been up for over two years now (which is a looong time in internet years) so I’m considering doing a whole website refresh. This would be the fourth...

drag & drop your account to create your own custom payoff plan 0

Drag & Drop Custom Payoff Plan Creator

I’ve had some requests lately for drag & drop functionality when working with the custom debt snowball payoff methods. It’s a great idea so I just added a page that lets you do just...

Summary view on debt snowball calculator 0

June 2016 Feature Updates

Here’s a quick update on some of the new features that have been recently added to the site. Debt Dashboard This first one is a pretty cool feature that I’ve been wanting to do...

Debt Payment Calendar 4

New Feature: Calendar View

There’s a new feature on the Debt Dashboard page starting today for members – a full calendar view of all of your planned payments. Each payment that shows up on the Debt Snowball table...

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March 2016 Update: Fixes for the debt snowball table

I just activated some changes to the debt snowball table today that I’ve been working on for quite a while now. There are two main areas that were addressed: The current month (month #1...